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数学与统计学院学术报告:Derivations, Biderivations, Triple Derivations and Triple Homomorphisms on Jordan Algebras等(时间 3.27)

发布日期:2021-03-26 浏览量:


报告地点:腾 讯 ID:842881183



报告1:Derivations, Biderivations, Triple Derivations and Triple Homomorphisms on Jordan Algebras,陈良云,东北师范大学教授,时间9:00;

    报告摘要:In this talk, we mainly study derivations, biderivations and triple derivations on Jordan algebras. Firstly, the sufficient and necessary conditions for their derivation algebras being simple are given. As an application, triple derivations of derivation algebras of semi-simple Jordan algebras are studied. Then we give a theorem about the relationship between biderivations and centroid of Jordan algebras and show that triple derivations are all derivations on Jordan algebras under some assumptions. Moreover, we also give a theorem about triple homomorphisms on Jordan algebras. This talk is a report on joint work with Yao Ma and Chenrui Yao.

报告2:Conformal Modules over a Class of Lie Conformal Algebras W(b) and Their Extensions,袁腊梅,哈尔滨工业大学副教授,时间10:00。


In this talk, we will give a classification of finitely irreducible conformal modules over a class of Lie conformal algebras W(b), and classify extensions of conformal modules over them. This is based on a series of joint work with Henan Wu and Kaijing Ling.


    袁腊梅,哈尔滨工业大学数学学院副教授,于2011年毕业于中国科学技术大学,获得理学博士学位。2013年9月-2014年9月,美国罗格斯大学访问学者。主要研究方向有: 李(超)代数、李共形(超)代数、Hom-代数的结构及其表示。主持过国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、教育部博士点新教师类项目、中国博士后基金项目以及哈工大校内基金项目。


河南 郑州 郑东新区 明理路北段379号 河南大学(郑州校区)友兰学堂中楼



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