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“高顿杯”数学文化节报告:Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling: Feasibility, Algorithms and Applications(时间11.23)

发布日期:2020-11-20 浏览量:

报告人:李庆娜 北京理工大学副教授


报告地点:腾 讯 ID:648 168 751  密 码:无



  报告摘要:Nonmetric multidimensional scaling(NMDS) is an important tool in data science to deal with dissimilarity data. In this talk, we will discuss the feasibility, numerical algorithms and the applications of NMDS, mainly based on the rank constraint Euclidean distance matrix model for NMDS. Despite the long history of NMSD, the feasibility issue of NMDS has been rarely discussed, which motivates us to take a systematical investigation of it. The challenges of designing efficient numerical algorithms for NMDS are the nonconvex constraint as well as the huge number of ordinal constraints. We will also discuss several numerical algorithms for NMDS, trying to tackling the two challenges in different ways. For applications, besides the traditional application such as sensor network localization, protein molecular conformation, we will also apply NMDS model to image ranking and posture sensing.



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