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“高顿杯”数学文化节报告:马永亮:Dichotomy of Baryons as Quantum Hall Droplets and Skyrmions in Compact-Star Matter(时间10.28))

发布日期:2020-10-26  作者:刘敏  浏览数:

报告人:马永亮 国科大杭州高等研究院教授


报告地点:数学与统计学院一楼报告厅  ZOOM ID:210 089 8623 密码:123456



  报告摘要:We discuss the “sheet structure” of compressed baryonic matter possibly present in massive compact stars in terms of quantum Hall droplets and skyrmions for baryons in medium. The theoretical framework is anchored on a generalized scale symmetric hidden local symmetry that encompasses standard nuclear effective field theory  (𝑠EFT) and can access the density regimes relevant to massive compact stars. It hints at a basically different, hitherto unexplored structure of the densest baryonic matter stable against collapse to black hole. Hidden scale symmetry and hidden local symmetry together in nuclear effective field theory are seen to play a potentially crucial role in providing the hadron-quark duality in compressed baryonic matter.

  马永亮,国科大杭州高等研究院基础物理与数学科学学院教授,副院长。主要从事手征有效理论、强子结构、核物质性质及相关天体物理问题的研究工作。与合作者一起提出了致密核物质的赝共形模型,对核物质中夸克-强子对偶提出了新的解释,系统研究了强子谱的手征对偶结构等。相关工作在Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys, Rev. C、D等杂志发表文章五十余篇,受邀在Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys.等撰写综述多篇,出版英文专著一部,被引用1000余次。