报告题目:Bions and Kinks in Quantum Field Theory
主 讲 人:张柏阳
单 位:美国明尼苏达大学
时 间:6月27日10:00
ZOOM ID:210-089-8623
密 码:123456
摘 要:In this talk I show the non-perturbative role played by monopoles and kinks in various quantum field theoretic models. First we introduce the SU(N) Yang-Mills theory defined on a thin cylinder with light adjoint fermions, we show that monopoles and their molecular states are responsible for the center symmetry breaking phase transition. In the large-N limit, the long-range 3D effective theory can be regarded as a bosonic field theory in 4D with an emergent spatial dimension. Next we discuss the kink mass correction in the 2D phi-fourth model from a categorical point of view. We show that the quantization can be regarded as functors with different backgrounds in path-integral, i.e., one functor for each sector. We will introduce a systematic method to unite kink and vacuum sectors by constructing a natural transformation between quantization functors.